The end of October is a time for witches and werewolves, black cats and cauldrons. This year, Affordians were getting right into the scary spirit to enjoy some hair-raising Halloween fun.
Afford Jamisontown Community Centre’s Halloween celebrations involved a pizza day with a spooky difference. Clients all helped in creating ghoulish looking lolly bags! The lolly bags were made from plastic gloves and stuffed with a variety of lollies and treats.
Harnessing fine motor skills was the aim of the game and patience and determination won the day with clients packing their gloves with goodies.
Dressed up as witches, ghouls and even a cameo appearance by Dr Seuss’ Thing 1 and Thing 2, everyone at Jamisontown had frightful fun getting into the Halloween theme. In the kitchen, everyone helped chop up the toppings to go on their pizzas. Clients of all abilities are supported to have a go and get involved in activities that they enjoy.
Bexley Community Centre staff and clients went all out in decorating their site in terrifying form. Tombstones and jack-o-lanterns really set the scene as everyone dressed up in their creepiest costumes.
Blacktown Community Centre was just as impressive with cobwebs riddled throughout the front garden to scare any trick-or-treaters. Pumpkin heads, bats and ‘enter if you dare’ signs painted by clients truly captured the Halloween mood.
At Windsor Community Centre the costumes were spectacular! Everything from Teletubbies through to pumpkin headed ghouls and creepy clowns were the guests of the site’s spine-chilling Halloween event.
At the Neptune Supported Accommodation, Brys and Kristian developed their social skills during the Halloween party at their home. For the Butterflies ladies, Halloween was all about spooky decorations to set the mood. At Logan Village home in Queensland, everyone enjoyed dressing up and handing our lollies to eager trick or treaters.
At Afford, our staff make every effort to create engaging on-site activities that offer unique life experiences and expand our client’s knowledge of the world around them.
Throughout the year, Affordians celebrate a range of festivals and events such as Christmas, Easter and Eid al-Fitr.
Find out more about joining an Afford Community Centre and Supported Accommodation in your state.
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