On Thursday 29 June, the Australian Foundation for Disability (Afford) celebrated 18 graduates who live with disability achieving their Certificate III in Process Manufacturing through BSI Learning’s development program. The graduation ceremony took place at Liverpool Catholic Club and was attended by VIPs from the NSW Department of Education and Ms Anne Stanley, Federal Member for Werriwa.

Afford’s Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) partners with various businesses to assist with packaging, shrink wrapping, bundle wrapping, pick and pack and mailouts.

“Our ADE program has been custom-built to recognise the existing work our supported employees do,” Amanda Loh, Director of Learning and Development at Afford said.

“It is designed to empower them to undertake further learning and work experience to advance their skills and career goals, while maintaining their employment. The graduates in this current cohort are already benefiting from their new qualification, which we’re so pleased to see. This is the reason why we do what we do, to see each person recognised for their abilities, not their disability.”

Afford’s ADE team has been working closely with BSI Learning on this initiative, with Afford and BSI Learning staff working side-by-side in the classroom with participants.

The initiative has been supported by the NSW Government’s Department of Education. BSI Learning is a High Performing Provider of the Smart & Skilled Contract and through the NSW Department of Education, provided the Entitlement Full Qualification funding to train and qualify a cohort in a Certificate III in Process Manufacturing.

Photograph by Carbon Lily, featuring proud graduate – Guy – with Gordon Griff from Afford.

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