General Enquiries

General Enquiries Home » Hidden From Search Phone General Enquiries: 1800 233 673 The National Relay Service (NRS)  Speak and Listen: 1300 555 727  Internet/captioned relay call: SMS Relay: 0423 677 767 TTY users: 133 677 NRS is a free...

Thank you [Booking]

Thank you for booking Afford’s 12 Week Program of Supports. We will contact you to confirm your booking.

Thank you [Website Survey]

Thank you for sharing your feedback. Your feedback will help us improve the website so its easy to use and you can find the information you need.

Website Survey

Website Survey Thank you for visiting Afford’s website and participating in this survey. We want to find out how easy it was for you to use our website and find the information you need about disability support services. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes...

Thank you [DES]

Thank you for contacting us. Our Disability Employment Services Team will contact you within 2-3 business days.

External Regulatory or Advocacy Agencies

External Regulatory or Advocacy Agencies Home » Hidden From Search Escalate your feedback or complaint We will work closely with external investigative and regulatory bodies to review, investigate, and resolve issues and complaints, respectfully and confidentially....

Thank you [Referral]

Thank you for contacting us. Our Customer Care Team will contact you within 2-3 business days.

Thank you [Media]

Thank you for your enquiry. In the event your enquiry is urgent please contact Lyndal Stuart, Head of Engagement and Public Affairs, on 0410 850 642 or

Thank you [Info]

Thank you for your enquiry. We will contact you within 2-3 business days.
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