Afford’s partner Heroes with Ability (HWA) recently hosted a mini Olympics Gala Day, where our clients had a blast competing for the coveted Afford – HWA Shield. Over 100 participants attended to show off the sports skills they have mastered throughout the last ten...
A day out exploring nature is a fantastic sensory experience that helps our clients feel connected to the world around them. Club Afford members from Holden Hill and Morphett Vale Community Centres decided to explore the local Morialta Conservation Park and experience...
Afford’s Community Centre in the Cumberland LGA has recently been refreshed with brand-new fitness machines to create a functional onsite gym and motivate our clients. The grant funding: Modified sporting equipment for Guildford Community Centre was generously...
Wellington Point Community Centre has taken their art and crafts sessions to the next level by combining them with sensory experiences and fostering individuality. Each week the program encourages participants to express their emotions, discover a sense of achievement...
Shiver me timbers, the Belmore Community Centre clients gave their best pirate impressions as they visited the Australian National Maritime Museum and climbed aboard the HMB Endeavour replica. The crew had a great time learning about the history of the voyages and...