Australia Day! It’s a time to reflect, respect and celebrate our nation’s history, achievements and people.

Watch: The story of Australia

At Afford we are proud to have a wonderfully diverse community made up of staff, clients, residents and carers that enjoy celebrating our many and varied cultures, traditions and stories together.

We recognise Australia Day across all of our services. Across our Community Centres and Supported Accommodation, we reflect on what Australia Day means to us individually and how it makes us one community.

Arts and crafts are always popular around Australia Day celebrations.

Residents in Pakenham’s Supported Accommodation brought some fun to Australia Day preparations by creating their own themed photo frame. The frames were decorated in green and yellow and with Australian flags and boomerangs. Just like an Instagram pic, residents stood behind the frame for a ‘happy snap’.

Naomi, Chloe, Christopher, Blake and Caitlin are clients who attend our Green Valley community centre. They picked up paints, pencils, glue and paper to make artworks that represent Australia. Everything from the Australian flag through to painted prints, there was lot of joy coming from the art corner in Green Valley.

Heading north, the team at Southport used iconic Australian landmarks and natural scenes as inspiration. Their artworks showcased the vivid Australian landscape. Afford lifestyle assistants supported clients to use special paints on their canvases to make some truly amazing pieces.

Afford celebrates many traditions and holidays. We are proud to have clients, carers and staff from diverse backgrounds that bring their own unique abilities and perspectives to our community.

Find out more about how Afford can provide a supportive and inclusive environment to enjoy the things, places and traditions you love among friends.

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