Afford has recently commenced the process of developing our first Reconciliation Action Plan, establishing a working group of dedicated and enthusiastic people from all employee groups across the country to guide our work. We are deeply committed to taking meaningful action to help create change.
The Australian Foundation for Disability (Afford) supports constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, and we support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.
Afford is committed to partnering with others to ensure the voices of people with disability are heard and valued. We believe it is vitally important that Australia’s parliament and federal Government is formally advised on matters relating to the social, spiritual and economic wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders directly through the Voice.
The evidence is clear that First Nations people with disability are at greater risk of experiencing threats of violence, having poorer health outcomes, experience high or very high levels or psychological distress and are less likely to be studying or in jobs.
We acknowledge the inequity, inequality, barriers to opportunity and need for positive change for First Nations people with disability. We believe that a Voice to Parliament will be a significant step to influence social and economic policy that will change outcomes and change lives.
We acknowledge and support the right of every voter to make their own decision about voting ‘yes’ or no’ in the referendum, and we strive for informed and respectful debate.
We commit to consulting with Afford’s communities, empowering people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and to be allies for The Voice to Parliament and Reconciliation. We commit to supporting and amplifying First Nations voices, because it is the right thing to do.
For more information about the Voice to Parliament visit:
For more information on Reconciliation, visit the Reconciliation Australia website.
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