There is always time for a jam session at Auburn Lifestyle Centre, where several clients enjoy the benefits of music therapy every day. Music has brought our clients together and provided them with the opportunity to express themselves and discover their passions.

At Afford Lifestyle Centres, we support our clients to express themselves emotionally through creative methods in safe and fun environments.

“Many clients share the goal of learning an instrument and playing in a band with their friends. Bilal, Michelle, Sean and Vincent are all learning instruments through the music program,” said Team Leader, Amber Stewart.

The music program combines many elements of music therapy, which helps individuals improve their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Research suggests that music therapy, with any instrument, is particularly effective for improving memory and self-esteem while reducing stress and anxiety for people of all abilities. For our clients, the piano and tambourines are their favourite instruments.

“Vincent and Bilal are learning to play the notes on the piano. Michelle and Sean enjoy playing along with the tambourine to the piano sounds,” continued Amber.

When the team moved from Guildford to Auburn in December 2021, they were extremely excited to set up their new music room with their music equipment purchased last year, thanks to a generous bequest. They decorated the music room with their self-portrait paintings to make it a warm and inviting space for clients to let loose and express themselves.

“All clients at the Auburn site enjoy using the musical instruments to create sound. It is great to see them achieving their goals,” said Amber.

When the clients are practising together in their band, they also learn essential skills such as communication, teamwork, and creativity.

We love to see that music has struck a real chord with our Auburn clients.

Learn more about Afford’s Lifestyle Centres near you, where you can make friends for life and achieve your goals.

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