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Short Term Accommodation

Home » Afford’s Disability Supports Services » Short Term Accommodation

Short Term Accommodation

Afford is one of Australia’s most experienced Short Term Accommodation (STA) and respite accommodation providers. We have been supporting people with disability and their families and carers to find happy, safe and accessible Short Term Accommodation stays in our purpose-built homes for many years.

We are committed to making sure your experience of STA at Afford is a positive one. This means we work closely with you and your family or support people to make sure we understand your respite needs and goals.

What is Short Term Accommodation or respite accommodation?

Disability Short Term Accommodation is one of the home and living supports the NDIS might fund for NDIS participants.

Short Term Accommodation, including respite accommodation, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from your usual home.

You might have a short stay with other people, or by yourself. It’s often funded when your usual carers and supports aren’t available, or for you to try new things.

It can also be used for respite to support you and your carers to take a short break.

What is Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)?

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is one of the home and living supports the NDIS might fund for NDIS participants.

It is funding for somewhere to live if you can’t move into your long-term home because your disability supports aren’t ready. The NDIS only includes it in your plan as part of your other home and living support needs. It generally funds MTA for up to 90 days.

Short Term Accommodation stays and Medium Term Accommodation stays at Afford

If you’re looking for STA or MTA you’ve come to the right place! 

Our respite accommodation has:

Personal supports available day and night, seven days a week
Accessible, inclusive home environments
Comfortable, furnished, self-contained places to stay
All meals included
Community activities including games, sports, and social activities and events in the community
Options to suit individual needs and preferences.

Short Term Accommodation can give you time to connect with others and take part in social activities and have fun. It can give your family or regular carers the chance to take a short break.

Our Short Term Accommodation Houses

Afford provides safe, comfortable and purpose-built homes in St Marys and Lakemba, New South Wales.

Lakemba NSW 2195




St Marys NSW 2760




Self-funded and Fee for Service Packages

You do not have to have government-approved funding packages, such as NDIS to access our disability supports and services.

Self-funded is a way for you to pay for services with your own money. This option provides flexibility to access the supports you need if you have a one-off request, or if your government funding package does not cover what you need. You can also self-fund supports while you wait for approval of a funding package.

Fee for Service Packages are also available for people who are self-funded and would like to access our range of disability services.

Contact us to explore your funding options.

NDIS funding information (including eligibility criteria)

The NDIS can only fund Short Term Accommodation if it relates to your disability support needs.

You might not need funding for Short Term Accommodation put into your plan. You can choose to use your core budget on supports like STA if it helps you pursue your goals.

The funding includes personal care, accommodation, food and activities.

The NDIS usually funds up to 28 days of STA per year. You can use your STA funding flexibly. You might want to use it in a block of up to 14 days at a time or for one weekend a month.

The NDIS might also fund other supports if you need longer term accommodation support.

The NDIS usually funds MTA as a one-off support. This is because you probably won’t need MTA again once you move to your long-term home.

Funding for MTA only covers the cost of the accommodation for the time you stay there. It’s a temporary and extra cost you have due to your disability support needs.

Visit the Short Term Accommodation page or the Medium Term Accommodation page on the NDIS website to learn more about STA and
MTA and the NDIS.

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