This is a general guide to help you understand how we look after your personal information if you are a client of the Australian Foundation for Disability (Afford).
Your personal information is important.
It is your right to know what we do with your personal information. In general, personal information is any information that can identify you.
Who are you giving your personal information to?
When you give your personal information to us, you are giving it to Afford. Afford is a charity that supports people with disability and is a registered provider with the NDIS. Afford’s Australian Business Number (ABN) is 99 000 112 729.
Where do we get your personal information from?
We may ask you for your personal information. We might ask your guardian, family or carer, or someone you’ve told us to contact. Other people and organisations may have the right to give us your personal information. When we receive
your information this way, we will try to let you know.
Why do we need your personal information?
We need your personal information so that we can support you and provide services to you.
Sometimes we use your information to tell you more about our services. We might send you a newsletter
about Afford. You can tell us if you don’t want a newsletter to be sent to you and we will stop it.
What happens if we don’t get your personal information?
If we don’t get some of your personal information, we may not be able to provide services to you.
We will tell you what information we need to provide services to you.
Who do we share your personal information with?
We will only share your personal information if you say it’s OK.
We share your personal information with people and organisations who help us support you. You can talk to
us about who you want us to share your personal information with.
Sometimes we need to share your personal information to keep you and other people safe. We must always
follow the law when we share your information.
Do we share your information overseas?
We don’t share your personal information overseas unless it’s part of a specific service or you say it’s OK.
Sometimes we use social media like Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. It’s up to you to decide whether
you want to interact with us on social media and even if you do decide to, you can stop interacting with us
whenever you want.
Information about your personal information
You have the right to ask us to access your personal information.
You have the right to ask us to correct your personal information.
You have the right to make a complaint.
To give us feedback or to make a complaint, please click here
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