Shooting hoops and sinking the ball into the back of the soccer net were just some of the sports skills that more than 100 participants with physical and intellectual disability learned during the Afford and Heroes with Ability Gala Day.
Afford has partnered with Heroes with Ability this year to offer Affordians across Sydney more opportunities to get active, be social and have fun in a supportive and inclusive environment.
George Tonna and Marco Quintao founded Heroes with Ability. Living with Cerebral Palsy, George wanted to create opportunities for individuals to feel safe and supported to get involved in sport.
The Heroes with Ability Gala Day encourages participants to have a go, connect with others and engage their bodies for fun physical activity.
Affordians from across Sydney Community Centres attended the Gala Day, including those from Lurnea, Campbelltown, Canley Vale, Green Valley, Condell Park, Guildford, Blacktown, Belmore, Gregory Hills, and Windsor.
The event involved several skills development drills in soccer, basketball, hurdles and running.
Following warm-up drills, participants moved into teams named after their favourite NRL teams.
They competed in a series of rounds, working towards the final goal of being the reigning champions and winning the Afford Shield.
The Heroes with Ability Gala Day is an opportunity for participants to expand their friendships, learn new skills and ways to engage their bodies for relief from stress and anxiety for lifelong wellbeing.
Find out more about how Afford partnerships are supporting individuals with disability to enjoy meaningful experiences that encourage healthy lifestyles.
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