Every individual has their own unique talents. At Afford, we celebrate and encourage our clients, residents and supported employees to feel comfortable in being themselves and sharing their individuality.
This year, the global pandemic meant that Afford couldn’t hold our annual Afford’s Got Talent event. This didn’t stop the team at Jamisontown Community Centre hosting their own on-site talent show for clients that included all the glitz and glamour that you could expect from a star-studded event.
Staff and clients choreographed routines and practised songs and dance moves. Costumes were created and everyone got ready for the big performance.
With staff as backup dancers, clients performed to a variety of popular songs by artists such as ABBA, Michael Jackson and from movies such as Frozen and Grease.
“The talent show is not only about having good fun, it’s also about building confidence as well,” said Leonie, Team Leader at Jamisontown Community Centre.
“Some of our clients were self-conscious when they first joined our Afford community, now they are the ones that steal the show!”
With encouragement and the creation of a supportive environment, every client at Jamisontown Community Centre has grown in confidence to take on new life challenges.
“Despite the disruptions to community access caused by the Coronavirus this year, our clients have continued to thrive and work towards their goals. We create activities on-site that are engaging and stimulating. Every day is an opportunity to learn, and we aim to support each individual to achieve all that they want in life.”
Find out more about Afford community centres and how you can enjoy social and engaging activities to achieve your goals in life.
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