Our Queensland SLES teams enjoyed a sweet day out at the Max Brenner Chocolate Café, where they got to meet in person for the first time. Trainees from Ipswich, Caboolture and Southport shared milkshakes and got to know each other, making for a fun day out.

Afford’s School Leaver Employment Supports trainees are given all the necessary skills to transition into their next area of study or employment confidently.

“Everyone had a smile on their face today and appeared to have an amazing time! We all cannot wait to do it again in the September school holidays,” said SLES Vocational trainer Rose Haley.

It was also an excellent opportunity for travel training, with Caboolture and Ipswich trainees all catching public transport to Southbank.

Feeling confident on public transport is a life skill that we encourage all trainees to conquer to make the most of employment or study opportunities that come their way.

“Blair from Caboolture caught the train for the first time today so that was a fantastic achievement for him,” continued Rose.

In true SLES style, the trainers had prepared a fun questionnaire sheet for trainees to use as an ice breaker and get to know each other.

“It was a no-pressure social situation that encouraged our trainees to step out of their comfort zone and meet new people in person rather than virtually,” said Rose.

We are so excited that our Queensland SLES trainees have finally had the opportunity to meet and we are excited to see these new friendships bloom.

If you are ready to take the next step in your study or employment journey, learn more about the training Afford SLES can offer.

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