At the end of last year, Michael made an important life change. With support from Afford, Michael moved into a house that he can now call home and live life the way he chooses, with 24/7 support if he needs it.
Michael moved into Afford’s South Windsor Supported Accommodation just before Christmas and is already showing that he is enjoying his independence.
He moved into his new home as a shy young man who would hold back in social situations. After meeting his housemates, Michael realised that they all shared many similar interests. He is now more willing to get involved in social situations with his housemates. He is also more confident to share information about his personal interests and abilities.
With support from lifestyle assistants at his home, Michael has developed his skills to organise his room how he likes it and does things for himself such as making his own lunch and washing dishes after a meal.
“Michael is really starting to come out of his shell. He shares his opinion about what he wants to do for the day. He also talks about the life goals that he wants to achieve. In a short time, he has become more independent and is showing pride in being able to do things for himself in the kitchen and around the home,” said Brett, Senior Lifestyle Assistant at the South Windsor home.
At Afford, residents are supported to enjoy the Afford Lifestyle. This involves Afford staff offering round the clock care to ensure that every resident has opportunity, and choice to achieve their goals under the NDIS.
For Michael, moving into a home of his own for the first time is a big step. He will have the support he needs to make the transition smooth and enjoyable.
Thanks to the Afford Lifestyle, Michael will have the opportunity to get involved in activities that make him happy and to live life on his terms, how he chooses.
Find out more about Afford Supported Accommodation across Australia to enjoy independent living with support.
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