Zucchini, tomatoes and apples were just some of the fresh, Aussie fruits and vegetables that Gregory Hills Community Centre Affordians saw growing on their latest produce picking adventure in Bilpin.

The Bilpin day trip was a Club Afford event that encourages healthy lifestyles, fitness and fun.

Daniella and Kerem wandered through the orchards picking, trying and enjoying the various fruits and vegetables on offer. As they walked around, they commented that apples grow on trees, while zucchini grow amongst large leafy plants on the ground.

After picking and with bundles of fruit and vegetables in their buckets, Daniella and Kerem, along with their lifestyle assistants, enjoyed a relaxing lunch of Mexican delicacies from Guzman y Gomez.

Understanding the ‘farm top fork’ concept is something that Afford lifestyle assistants nurture and encourage during community centre activities.

From outings such as the produce gathering in Bilpin through to on-site cooking sessions where clients are encouraged to learn about choosing, preparing, and cooking healthy foods, there are always opportunities to learn about where food comes from and how it affects our body when consumed.

Find out more about Club Afford events as well as the many educational opportunities available at Afford Community Centres across Australia.

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