The ladies at Skeffington Supported Accommodation love to start their mornings with some team baking and bonding. Thespina, Tracey and Kylie have shared a passion for cooking delicious treats since they started living together and it is a ritual they love.

With Afford Supported Accommodation, your home is a place where you can be yourself, develop life skills and make friends for life.

“When I worked with Thespina, Tracey and Kylie it was a great day! They were excited and happy to see me again as I hadn’t worked with them since August,” said Lifestyle Assistant, Jo Ann Buabo.

Jo Ann first met the ladies at the Bedford Supported Accommodation site and was delighted to be reunited with them and see how they had settled in at Skeffington. They spent the day creating new memories and reminiscing on old ones.

“When they first started with Afford, I remember cooking with them and we made fish and chips. They told me that it was the first time they had been able to cook independently. That made me so proud and is why I always get my clients involved in the cooking program,” continued Jo Ann.

The ladies worked together to create some sweet carrot cake and Tracey jumped at the opportunity to lead the team. Thespina and Kylie, as always, was keen to get involved in the group activity and enjoyed trying out the new recipe.

“I also try to suggest recipes that use fresh ingredients to ensure the ladies are thinking about healthy choices. For example, we chose carrot cake because there were lots of carrots in their fridge, but they felt like something sweet. In the past, we have also used fresh pumpkin for pumpkin scones,” said Jo Ann.

Afford Lifestyle Assistants will always encourage you to be at your best mentally, physically and emotionally through creating opportunities to build healthy habits and make informed choices.

Find out more about the Afford Lifestyle and the Supported Accommodation sites near you to start making friends and memories for life.

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