Afford’s School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) across the nation are back in action and have welcomed several new changes. All sites have implemented strong COVID-19 safety measures to ensure we continue supporting trainers and trainees in every way we canto...
Justin is our most recent Penrith SLES trainee to have gained open employment thanks to his hard work and determination. Our SLES and DES teams worked together on Justin’s plan for success and secured him a trial shift at Emu Hall restaurant. Staff were blown away by...
The easing of restrictions across the country has enabled our SLES trainers and trainees to return to face-to-face sessions and they have been loving every minute of it. While the online sessions were popular, nothing could replace those special bonding moments...
As our Ipswich trainee Rebecca comes closer to graduating high school, she has utilised her days at SLES to perfect her budgeting and money management skills. The focused sessions on Microsoft Excel have been improving her confidence and understanding of finances....