Club Afford Curiosities

Club Afford Curiosities

Club Afford is a membership-based social group that encourages social activities, healthy living, fun and getting out into the community. Our Ipswich Club Affordians recently headed into Southbank for a Club Afford outing with a difference! The group were in town...
Modern Motorcycle Art

Modern Motorcycle Art

Deb and Ann are lifestyle assistants at our Wellington Point Community Centre who run an engaging art and craft program with many clients who attend the service. With a mission to always provide inspiration and stimulation for clients, Deb and Ann asked clients,...
An apple a day for St Mary’s Respite

An apple a day for St Mary’s Respite

Short Term Accommodation offers individuals and their families and carers a break from the everyday. It’s a chance to unwind, connect with different people and take some time to rest and re-energise. Our St Mary’s respite service regularly organises outings so that...
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