Afford’s Blacktown Community Centre is a hub full of energy where clients explore a range of exciting activities. Cooking is a crowd favourite and thanks to funding from Blacktown City Council, the site has welcomed a new stove, fridge, lounge and dining set. Read...
The ladies at Skeffington Supported Accommodation love to start their mornings with some team baking and bonding. Thespina, Tracey and Kylie have shared a passion for cooking delicious treats since they started living together and it is a ritual they love. With Afford...
Jessica and Tayla are two best friends from Eagle Vale Supported Accommodation who work at Afford’s ADE factories. They have been exploring the tastes of the world and connecting with friends through the supported employee’s virtual cooking classes during Sydney’s...
Our Victorian residents have demonstrated unwavering resilience, determination and positivity as the state officially surpasses its 200th day of lockdown. Rishi from Forest Oak Supported Accommodation has been a shining star throughout it all and has used this...
Jamisontown Community Centre has been keeping spirits high by hosting its regular programs via Zoom video calls to keep clients connected during the lockdown. From cooking, singing and dancing, all of the client favourites have gone digital. It has been an excellent...