With the sun shining against a bright blue sky, it was no surprise that Jackson and Tim wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and explore their local area. The residents from Trafalgar Supported Accommodation headed to the Royal Botanic Gardens at...
For our residents from Worrigee Supported Accommodation, exploring Jerrawangala National Park was a delight to their senses. Spending time in nature and discovering the beauty of the world around them was fantastic for their mental, emotional and physical well-being....
Afford’s Bligh Park Supported Accommodation home wouldn’t be the same without James. In just under a year at the house, he has made a remarkable impression on everyone around him. His friendly smile and positive attitude light up every room. When you join an Afford...
Ivonne from Afford’s Supported Accommodation home in Nowra, has been exploring the beauty of the South Coast with scenic drives and days on the beach. With her lifestyle assistant by her side, Ivonne recently visited the Southern Highlands to appreciate the...
Laura and Megan are two best friends from Dryandra Supported Accommodation. They enjoy spending their weekends by the seaside and their friendship inspires those around them. The ladies recently headed to Stony Point and French Island National Park, where they saw...